Back by popular demand .... the East Hampton Trail Maps! |
The primary mission of Hiking Long Island will be to provide support to local trail groups in order to enable them to develop and steward their trails and increase their memberships. HLI will advocate for and enable cooperative initiatives among people who care about the trails; generating action through greater collaboration and new coalitions. This organization will encourage participation through an easily accessible process. Finances and initiatives will be completely and accurately documented and will be published on the Internet on a regular basis. HLI will bring public agencies, private companies and volunteers together to establish funding sources in the form of grants, donations and corporate sponsorships. As an essential element of sustainable stewardship we will implement ongoing path maintenance and pre-emptive work to arrest emerging erosion. HLI will facilitate workshops and seminars to develop teams of skilled workers who are knowledgeable in up to date trail maintenance techniques. Where necessary, we will work with trail contractors who will provide professional expertise and help implement trail projects. HLI will provide descriptive materials for use on the trails, including information regarding access, as well as ecological, historic, and scenic features along trail routes. This group will continually advocate and educate the public for the protection and responsible use of Long Island’s natural resources of which trails are an integral part. Hiking Long Island will continue to provide a website to augment the efforts of the trails groups. The website is a resource for information about the trails and the trails groups. It helps foster coalition and cooperative efforts among the people who love our natural places. It introduces the residents of Long Island to a trail resource that belongs to us all. The first new goal of Hiking Long Island is to help facilitate the formation of a sustainable stewardship plan for the Paumanok Path. Hiking Long Island (HLI) Mission Statement HLI Not For Profit Start Up |
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Ken Kindler |
Web site design and management by Web Strategies |