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Southampton Trails Preservation Society
, Website: hike-li.org/stps
April 2007 Hike and Event Schedule
Most Thursdays S.T.P.S. has a work party. Volunteers are always welcome. Call Ken Bieger,
Sun., April 1-Cedar Point Surprise. 2PM-4PM. Meet at the park entrance check-in station on Cedar Point Road, off Alewife Brook Road, East Hampton. 4 miles. Given the day anything can happen. Tony Garro, .
Thurs., April 5-S.T.P.S. Monthly Meeting. 7PM-9PM. Meet at Town Hall lower level meeting room, Southampton. Glorian Berk, .
Sat., April 7-Laurel Valley Loop/North Hills Surprise. 10AM-Noon. Meet at the kiosk on Deerfield Road, Noyac (across from Deerwood Path). Join our newest hike leader on this split personality hike. Some hills, 4 miles. Judy Roth, .
Sat., April 7-Sarnoff Exploration. 10AM-1:30PM. Meet at the Sarnoff Preserve’s D.E.C. parking lot on the west side of County Road 104, 2.5 miles south of the Riverhead traffic circle. A joint hike with the L.I. Greenbelt Conference. Rain cancels, bring liquid and snacks. 7+ miles through the pine barrens. John Virgilio, or .
Sun., April 8-Annual Easter Egg Hunt. 1PM. Meet at Poxabogue Park, south of R.R. trestle, on Old Farm Road, Sagaponack. Children 8 years and under. Bring a basket. Dai Dayton, .
Sat., April 14-Trifecta Trek. 10AM-Noon. Meet at the Elliston Park parking lot on Millstone Brook Road, Southampton. Plenty of variety in this 4+ mile hike. Sue Bieger, .
Sat., April 14-Monthly Work Party. Call Ken Kindler for details .
Sun., April 15-Trout Pond Surprise. 10AM-Noon. Meet at the Trout Pond parking lot on Noyac Road, Noyac and hike into the unknown. 4+ miles, some hills. Tony Garro, .
Sun., April 15-Narrow Lane Clean-up. 8AM. Help clean our adopted road. Call Dai Dayton for location. .
Sat., April 21-Hubbard Creek/Sears Bellow Loop. 9AM-11:30AM. Meet on Red Creek Road, 100 yards east of Rte.24, Hampton Bays. A little bit of everything (including a waterfall) on this 5 mile walk. Some hills. Ken Bieger, .
Sat., April 21-Sarnoff Exploration. 10AM-1:30PM. Meet at the Sarnoff Preserve’s D.E.C. parking lot on the west side of County Road 104, 2.5 miles south of the Riverhead traffic circle. A joint hike with the L.I. Greenbelt Conference. Rain cancels, bring liquid and snacks. 7+ miles through the pine barrens. John Virgilio, or .
Sun., April 22-Earth Day Celebration. 10AM-4PM. Come celebrate Earth Day at Indian Island County Park. The festivities will include nature walks, Native American lore, live entertainment, refreshments and much more. S.T.P.S will lead a hike from the picnic area near the showmobile at 1 PM. Tony Garro, .
Sat., April 28-Elliston Park. 10AM-Noon. Meet at the park entrance on Millstone Brook Road. Southampton. Hike 4 miles through beautiful forests past the second largest lake on L.I. Howard Reisman, .
Sat., April 28-Horseback Ride. 10AM-Noon. Leisurely ride west of the canal. BYO horse. Dai Dayton, .
Sun., April 29- Northwest Woods. 10AM-Noon. A 4 mile excursion through the Northwest woods. See Scoy Pond and the handiwork of the newest inhabitants. Meet at the school house plaque on Northwest Road, about 3/10 of a mile from the Alewife Brook Road intersection. Glorian Berk, .
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