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East Hampton Trails Preservation Society
June 2008
Quote of the month
You must walk like a camel, which is said
to be the only beast which ruminates when walking.
--Henry David Thoreau
REMINDER: Bring water, snacks, insect repellent and sunscreen on your hikes!
For general information about hiking in East Hampton, go to www.ehtps.org or write to . The next meeting will be held Monday, June 9th at 7:30 P.M. at Ashawagh Hall
JUNE 4, Wednesday 10 A.M SAMMYS BEACH (3miles)
Join us for a beach walk along the beautiful shoreline of Sammy's Beach and Three Mile Harbor wetlands. Meet at the north end of Old House Landing Road, via Alewive Brook Road, in the Northwest section of East Hampton.
Leader: Nancy Kane
JUNE 7, Saturday 10 A.M. LADY’S SLIPPER HIKE (2-3 miles)
To guarantee seeing the beautiful but elusive pink lady’s-slipper orchid, the hike leader will have us meet at his own natural garden where the flowers almost always bloom at this time of year. It’s National Trails Day- how can we resist? Meet at the intersection of Hands Creek Rd and Oak View Highway in East Hampton.
Leader: Lee Dion
Join Southampton Trails Preservation Society on this Trails Day. Meet at Sag Harbor Industries on Bridgehampton Tpk. (opposite Verizon).
Leader: Joe Lane
JUNE 8, Sunday 10 A.M. LONGSHANKS # 7 (10+miles)
Explore Montauk’s magnificent HIther Woods, from bay to ocean and back again, on this all day tour de force. You won’t miss much, at a moderate pace. Bring lunch and water. Meet at Rod’s Valley Park, west end of Navy Road, Montauk.
Leader: Rick Whalen
JUNE 11, Wednesday 10 A.M. THREE MILE HARBOR (4 miles)
Cross the 175 foot Tanbark Creek Bridge (built by the EHTPS) while enjoying the view from the mouth of Three mile Harbor. Ramble on to Stony Hill and back. Meet at the intersection of Springy Banks and Soak Hides Roads in East Hampton.
Leader: Gene Makl
JUNE 11, Wednesday 10 A.M. LILLY HILL CEMETERY (2 miles)
We celebrate the magnificent craftsmanship of the Dominy family on this visit to their family cemetery. We will walk this basically flat terrain at a leisurely pace, a peaceful stroll in the woods. Meet on Spring Close Hwy about 1 mile north of the intersection with Rte. 27 in Amagansett.
Leader: Richard Lupoletti
JUNE 14, Saturday 10 A.M. AMAGANSETT AND STONY HILL (3 miles)
This hike will include a portion of the newly opened Springs-Amagansett Trail, plus a side trip to the Sasson Soffer sculpture garden and a short Stony Hill loop. We will return via the same route. Meet at trail head in parking lot behind Amagansett library.
Leader: Nancy Kane
JUNE 14, Saturday 10 A.M. INLAND ADVENTURE (6 miles)
Walk the little used Radio Tower Trail to an uncharted loop into Toyland. Traverse a hardwood forest, whose understory of wild laurel may just be in bloom. Complete this loop via the challenging Switchback Trail. Meet at the intersection of Daniel’s Hole Road and Power Line Road approximately ½ mile north of East Hampton Airport.
Leader: Richard Poveromo
This leisurely ride is intended to take us for a visit to Cornell Cooperative Extension in Southold. This group offers programs for young and active adults alike. The visit should prove to be most enlightening. Meet in the parking area at North ferry on Shelter Island. Please confirm.
Leaders: Lois Peltz and Jerry Brown .
JUNE 18, Wednesday 10 A.M. PAUMANOK PATH TO NOMINICKS (3.5-4 miles)
From Napeague Meadow Road, we will link up with the Paumonak Path heading east. After hiking a fairly flat pine and secondary dune area, we will proceed across an access through salt meadows to the shore of Napeague Harbor for a beautiful beach walk. Our trail then continues through the oak/pine forest of Hither Hills. The final ascent of Nominicks Hill will reward us with sweeping views to the south and west. Meet at Napeague Meadow Road about ½ mile north of the intersection of Rte 27.
Leader: Carol Andrews Cell #
JUNE 21, Saturday 10 A.M. LONGSHANKS #8 (9 miles)
Spectacular water views at Waterfence, Fresh Pond, Goff’s Point and Nominicks are featured on this challenging hike that also includes some rolling hills and beach walking. Bring water and lunch. Meet at the Hither Hills West Overlook off Rte 27, about 1 miles east of the Montauk Hwy./Old Montauk Hwy. split.
Leader: Richard Lupoletti
JUNE 21, Saturday 9A.M. CEDAR POINT LIGHTHOUSE (3 miles)
We have accumulated a vast amount of information, the flora and fauna of the land, as well as the history which will provide interesting stories as we walk to the light. Cameras are recommended. Meet at the general store’s parking lot about 1 mile into the park.
Leaders Lois Peltz and Jerry Brown
JUNE 21 Saturday 10 A.M. GARDEN CONSERVANCY BIKE RIDE (20 miles)
This leisurely ride to visit four open gardens in the East Hampton area as part of Garden Conservancy Open day. The ride will take 3 to 4 hours to complete and is approximately, 20 miles. There will be a $5.00 charge to view each garden; however, an early bird discount of $2.50 will be given to registrants who reserve two weeks in advance. Meet at Ashawagh Hall, Springs.
Leader: Burton Greenhouse
JUNE 25, Wednesday 10 A.M. BEACH AND ART BARGE (2+ miles)
We will walk on one of the prettiest bay beaches on the East End as we make our way to the Art Barge, where we will be greeted with coffee and a tour of one of East Hampton’s landmarks. Turn north on Napeague Harbor Road from Rte 27 and park near the first road to the left.
Leader: Nancy Kane
JUNE 28, Saturday 10 A.M THE OTHER PINE FOREST (4 miles)
With a new connection between the Grace Estate and Grassy Hollow, hiking in the Northwest just keeps getting better. Join us for a shady and easy trek past Joshua’s Hole with its majestic white pines. Meet at the intersection of Hands Creek Rd. and Van Scoy’s Path-West in East Hampton.
Leader: Gene Makl
Before the brown tide struck in the mid 1980’s this lovely small harbor was one of the most productive shellfish sites on Long Island. Completely surrounded by protected land it remains a beautiful spot for quiet exploration. BYO boat or call Mike Bottini for a delivered rental (). Meet at the end of Northwest Landing Rd. on the eastern shore of the creek.
Leader: Richard Lupeletti
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