Bailey Arboretum
Bailey Arboretum is hosting a monthly series of family nature walks The walks are led by Dan Kriesberg a naturalist and science teacher. The walks are a combination of exploring, activities, stories and fun that help children and adults learn about the Long Island’s natural world. The hikes are $5 per family. There is nothing except the usual to bring.
Bailey Arboretum
Lattingtown, NY
Check out for more information and directions
Time 1:00-2:00
September 10 Treemendous Trees: Play games like tree tag and hug a tree to learn about the amazing trees of Bailey’s Arboretum
October 22: Scavenger Hunts: Explore and discover the woods with a variety of scavenger hunts
November 19: Native American Games: Celebrate the Thanksgiving season with a variety of Native American Games
December 17: Help Animals for the Holidays: Learn how to make gifts for Long Island wildlife
January 21: Tracks and Traces: Take a walk on the wild side to find animals tracks and other signs.
February 4: Winter Wonders: Find out how animals adapt to life in the cold
March 18: Eco Games: Play a variety of active games to learn more about how nature works
April 15: Sensing Spring: Using all five sense we will discover the spring season
May 20: Pond Study: Join us while we find out who lives in the pond