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Southampton Trails Preservation Society
, Website: hike-li.org/stps
October 2007 Hike and Event Schedule
During October and November, Ken Kindler will be hiking the Paumanok Path. To join Ken walking sections of the Path call or E-mail
Most Thursdays S.T.P.S. has a work party. Volunteers are always welcome. Call Ken Bieger, .
Thurs., Oct. 4-S.T.P.S. Monthly Meeting. 7PM-9PM. Meet at the Southampton Town lower level meeting room, Southampton. All are welcome. Glorian Berk, .
Sat., Oct. 6-Long Pond Greenbelt South. 9AM-11AM. Meet at the South Fork Natural History Museum on Bridgehampton Tpk. A 4 mile hike through Vineyard Field to Crooked and Deer Drink Ponds. Dai Dayton, .
Sun., Oct. 7-Elliston Park. 9AM-11AM. Meet at Elliston Park on Millstone Brook Road, Southampton. A 4 mile hike with some hills, views of Big Fresh and Scallop Ponds. Howard Reisman, .
Sat., Oct. 13-Laurel Valley. 10AM-Noon. Meet at the kiosk on Deerfield Road, Noyac (across from Deerwood Path). A 4 mile hike through hilly woods and laurel filled ravines. Chip Dineen, .
Sun., Oct. 14-North Sea Harbor Kayak Adventure. 10AM-Noon. Meet at the town dock on Towd Point Road, North Sea. BYO kayak/canoe and life vest. Ken and Sue Bieger, .
Wed., Oct. 17-Nature Center. 7PM-9PM. Join the Town of Southampton and the Peconic Land Trust for the first ever movie night at the new Nature Center. The feature is Farming the Future. The show will take place at the Long Pond Greenbelt Nature Center at 1061 Bridgehampton Tpk.; 100 yards north of the Scuttlehole Road intersection on the east side of the Tpk. Laura Smith, extension 1958.
Sat., Oct. 20-Trout Pond to Long Pond. 9AM-Noon. Meet at Trout Pond parking lot on Noyac Road, Noyac (across from Mill Road). Challenging, hilly 7+ mile hike along the Paumanok Path. Bring water and snack. Rudi Lemp, .
Sat., Oct. 20-Narrow Lane Clean-up. 8AM. Help clean our adopted road. Meet at Narrow Lane and Norris Lane. Bring gloves. Dai Dayton, .
Sun., Oct. 21-Morton Wildlife Refuge. 10AM-Noon. Hike 2 miles on beautiful and historic Jessep’s Neck. Meet at Refuge parking lot on Noyac Road. Sue and Ken Bieger, .
Sun., Oct. 21-Horses on Trails Ride. Exact time and location to be determined. Suggestions welcomed. BYO horse. All riders must be members of S.T.P.S./H.O.T. You can join day of ride. Call Barbara Bornstein, .
*** Join both STPS and EHTPS to celebrate South Fork Trails Weekend ***
Sat., Oct., 27-10AM-?? Hike a 5 mile loop through the beautiful Long Pond Greenbelt, followed by lunch at the Long Pond Greenbelt Nature Center (Val Schaffner House), compliments of the Southampton Trails Preservation Society. Meet at the Nature Center, 1061 Bridgehampton Tpk. Long driveway to Center is 100 yards north of Scuttlehole Road intersection on the east side of the Tpk. Please RSVP by Wed. Oct. 24. Glorian Berk,
Sun., Oct. 28-10AM-11:30PM. Visit Barcelona Neck, one of the most beautiful preserves on the east end of L.I. for a 3 mile hike. Some challenging hills but you’re rewarded by spectacular water views. Meet at the Clubhouse of the Sag Harbor Golf Club on Rte. 114, East Hampton. Richard Lupoletti, .
Sun., Oct. 28-Haunted House Tour of Sag Harbor. 3PM-5PM. Meet on the Long Wharf by the windmill in Sag Harbor. Annette Hinkle and Tony Garro, .
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