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East Hampton Trails Preservation Society
April 2009
Quote of the month (in honor of Earth Day, April 22nd)
The human spirit needs places where nature
has not been rearranged by the hand of man.
--Author unknown
Short walks or long walks -- there are hikes for everyone in April. Because the weather is unpredictable at this time of year, you may want to contact hike leaders before setting out.
The next meeting will be at Ashawagh Hall at 7:30 PM, Monday, April 6th 2009
For general information about hiking in East Hampton, go to www.ehtps.org or write to .
APRIL 1, Wednesday 10 A.M “BUSHWACKED” IN HEATHER HILLS (4+ miles)
Want to see what Native Americans saw here a few hundred years ago and a few lucky hunters enjoy today? All hikers must be at least 10 years old and those older should have the energy and imagination of a 10 year old. Meet at the Paumanok Trailhead on Napeague Harbor Rd about 1/3 of a mile north of Rt.27. This hike will be about 2 hours unless we see more interesting things than anticipated. Because of the unusual nature of the outing, reservations are required before the date of this hike.
Call Leader: Nick Stephens
APRIL 4, Saturday 9 A.M. PAUMANOK PATH #4 (11 miles)
This hike, the fourth in East Hampton’s Paumanok series, winds through the deep, wild forest and along the sun drenched coastline of Montauk’s beautiful Hither Woods. Bring lunch and water. Meet at the Montauk recycling center, on rt. 27 approximately 2 miles east of Hither Hills Overlook.
Leader: Rick Whalen
APRIL 4, Saturday 10 A.M. POINT WOODS TRAIL (3 miles)
Walk along trails lined with large beech, tupelo, American holly, oak and black birch trees to the bluffs overlooking the Atlantic – you’ll come back invigorated and refreshed. On the return we will pass Battery 113 in Camp Hero. Meet on Camp Hero Rd. off Route 27 in Montauk, about a mile east of Deep Hollow Ranch.
Leader: Eva Moore
APRIL 8, Wednesday 10 A.M. EAST HAMPTON VILLAGE (2.5 miles)
This walk begins at the Nature Preserve on David’s Lane, just west of the intersection with Egypt Lane. We will walk past the Maidstone Club and along a stretch of ocean beach. Learn about the original Rowdy Hall and about Sarah and Gerald Murphy, the “Golden Couple” of the twenties. Meet at the parking lot on David’s Lane.
Leader: Nancy Kane
APRIL 11, Saturday 10 A.M. LONG POND GREENBELT (5 miles)
This moderate-paced, fairly flat hike takes us along the Greenbelt trail consisting of interconnected ponds, woods, and wetlands; a true sojourn into nature’s classroom. Meet at the entrance to Mashashimuet Park in Sag Harbor.
Leaders: Larry and Judy Kron.
We’ll look for signs of spring while we hike on the hilly, wooded terrain of this section of the Paumanok Path. First we’ll hike from our meeting place up to Accabonac Hwy and then hike down to Fresh Pond where we’ll have lunch wile enjoying a lovely water view. After lunch we’ll hike the same route in reverse. Bring water and lunch. Meet on Red Dirt Rd, off Accabonac Hwy. Inclement weather could cancel.
Leader: Judy Kossover
APRIL 15, Wednesday 10 A.M. THE POX AND THE PONDS (2.5 miles)
Learn a bit about smallpox in colonial America on this “Shortshanks” hike through a magnificent pine forest in the Northwest, a modest pace on basically flat terrain. Meet at intersection of Swamp Rd and Bull Path in East Hampton.
Leader: Richard Lupoletti
APRIL 18, Saturday 10 A.M. HITHER WOODS LONGSHANKS (9 miles)
Spectacular water views are featured on this challenging hike to Fresh Pond, Waterfence, Goff’s Point, Walking Dunes and Nomincks. Some rolling hills and beach walking. Meet at Hither Hills Overlook off Rte 27, about 1 mile east of intersection with Old Montauk Hwy.
Leader: Richard Lupoletti
APRIL 18, Saturday 10A.M STONY HILL/JACOB’S FARM (3 + miles)
We’ll connect blazed and unblazed trails to create a diverse and athletic loop through old forest and new growth, on flatland and hilly ground. Meet on Red Dirt Road about ¼-mile east of Accabonac Highway.
Leader: Jim Zajac
APRIL 22, Wednesday 10 A.M. GEORGICA POND (2.5-3 miles)
A beach walk to Georgica Pond and perhaps beyond. If the tides permit, we will take a small hidden path to West End Avenue and an ocean beach overlook, returning via the road. Meet at the Georgica Beach parking lot near the west end of Lilly Pond Lane.
Leader: Nancy Kane
APRIL 25, Saturday 9 A.M. NORTHWEST RAMBLE (7 miles)
Walk along the picturesque, woodland trails of the Grace Estate and Cedar Point Park. Panoramic views of Scoys’ Pond, Alewive Brook, Northwest Harbor and Gardiners Bay reward the intrepid hiker. Meet at the schoolhouse plaque on Northwest Rd about ¼ south of the intersection with Alewive Brook Rd.
Leader: Richard Poveromo or day of hike 917
APRIL 25, Saturday 10 A.M. ROCKY POINT PLUS (3-4 miles)
One of the best hikes in Montauk. The route goes from Navy Road to Rocky Point onto the Paumanok Path and beyond. Meet at the end of Navy Rd. Directions: Take Rt 27 east to Second House Rd. Go north (left turn) about 1 mile. Cross the LIRR tracks and make a left onto Navy Rd; follow road to the end.
Leader: Ed Porco
Reserve by April 21st For information call Richard Lupoletti at
APRIL 26, Sunday 10 A.M. INDIAN FIELD (11 miles)
Explore Montauk’s scenic Indian field, a place of mystery and history. Oyster Pond is a highlight, but there are sights too numerous to mention. Bring lunch and water. Meet at the Oyster Pond overlook, south side of Rt 27, about 4 miles east of downtown Montauk.
Leader: Rick Whalen
APRIL 29, Wednesday 10 A.M. OYSTER POND (3.5-4 miles)
On this part of the Paumanok Path, the peaceful woods studded with holly tress contrasts sharply with the gusty shoreline of Oyster Pond. After crossing Ogden’s Brook Bridge, we will continue to the former site of the East Hampton Gun Club. Conditions permitting, we will also visit the shore of Block Island Sound. At the viewpoints we will see the pond much the same as the Indians saw it. Some sections may be muddy. Meet at Camp Hero Rd. in Montauk, a mile east of Deep Hollow Ranch.
Leader: Carol Andrews day of hike cell
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